Tuesday 31 May 2011

Wikileaks and Media Bias.

Another day - another example of a story twisted to suit the political bias of the outlet.
Wikileaks has been (and will continue to be) a controversial matter, each person that reads about it has their own opinion on it. News outlets, however small or relatively insignificant, will - without fail - protest their innocence with regards to sway and favour, so how can two apparently factual reports leap to such differing conclusions as the examples of PBS and Forbes? Forbes' articles on the saga are, whether justified or not, grotesquely biased in favour of Assange and his plans, while PBS recently aired a stinging documentary deriding and criticising the founder and the idea behind WikiLeaks.
While I couldn't possibly condone or condemn any act of civil disobedience, else I'd be practicing exactly what I'm saying Forbes and PBS shouldn't, I did enjoy seeing PBS' website subjected to an alarmingly efficient hack in which the attackers posted a false story on Tupac Shakur. Taking the personal bias out of this, I enjoyed seeing the success of such an obviously false news story as the rapper trended on Twitter. If a rabble of computer hackers can present such an overtly falsified story as fact and get away with it, imagine what PBS and Forbes can do to suit their own respective agendas; be it slamming the notion of freedom of press and transparent politics in PBS' case, or glorifying criminals and painting a dramatic Robin Hood-style portrait of hackers in Forbes' case.

Monday 30 May 2011


Well, here it goes, my first blog.
This blog's aim is to anonymously describe the world of journalism as I see it. I will be posting about the obvious and apparent injustices in the reporting world, but also to give journalists a little credit where it's due.
A little on me and my credentials, such as they are. I am an intern for a successful journalist, and have had works posted in various high-ranking publications, none of which will be named in this blog. It's unfortunate I can't reveal my employers as it means asking a lot of you, the reader, in the way of trust. I know it's a leap of faith to blindly trust someone who claims to have the answers, but you're doing it already every time you read the news. The stories and tales I tell on this blog will be based entirely on first hand experience, either things I have done or have been asked to do.
Most journalism is as you'd expect, true at the core and dressed up on the exterior, but I hope to shine a light on the more surprising elements; the lies and, perhaps even more surprisingly, the truths.
It's assumed by most intelligent consumers that journalists embellish where possible, but it's rarely assumed that there is an unbelievable amount of ethics involved. Journalist differ from person to person, as do you and I, and I'd like to show the diversity in levels of integrity, ethics, honesty and reliability that can be found in my world.
