Thursday, 8 September 2011

Hello again...

Well, lots has happened since my last post several weeks ago. With regards to this blog, a small bit of inadvertent advertising has resulted in a decent influx of seemingly regular readers, so hello all of you. I've also realised that a few friends of mine actually pay attention to the links I spam on facebook and the like, so hello to all of you as well!
Mike Dye Dies After England Vs Wales

Still, despite growing numbers, my actual work will continue to come before my blogging, so I'll leave this link here: Racism, Booze, Violence... Welcome to Wembley

This is an excellent piece, written by Luke Moore of The Football Ramble, arguably the best football site at the moment. Give it a peek.

It refers to the tragic passing of a man (with the unfortunate name of Mike Dye) outside Wembley football ground, but more importantly to the circumstances surrounding the incident.

It's an issue close to me, as a massive football fan and someone who's experienced a similar situation to the child mentioned in the piece. Beautifully written and extraordinarily important journalism.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

I Predict A Riot

Don't worry, even I'm not that off the pulse that I think covering the riots could be classed as a prediction. For those that are wondering, it's a song by some cheeky northerners from a few years ago.

Disgraceful Little Shit London Protests Turn Violent
More importantly, read this blog post from Laurie Penny on the UK riots. It's a little sensationalist, but then it's hard not to be when your city's being razed to the ground in front of you.

More on the coverage on the riots when everything's died down a little. For now, Penny's blog is definitely the most interesting and accurate account of it all so far.